2020 Cambridge Particle Meeting

2020 Meeting

The 2020 Cambridge Particle Meeting will be held on Friday 19th June at the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.


Please register for the 2020 Cambridge Particle Meeting.

Conference dinner:

Our conference dinner will be held on the evening of Thursday, 18th June at Trinity College.

Places are limited and if you you wish to attend the dinner you are advised to register for the dinner at the same time as the meeting. The fee for the dinner is £65 GBP (incl. VAT) and includes punting along the river Cam.


We would also like to invite offers of oral and poster presentations.

Please submit your abstracts before 1st April directly to admin@cambridgeparticlemeeting.org with the subject line "[Surname, Forename] CPM Abstract".

Topics of interest include combustion aerosols and their effects, aerosol-based nanotechnology, and particle instrumentation development. Oral and poster presentation decisions will be emailed by 30th April.

Travel Information

Arriving by Train

Cambridge is well served by trains to and from London, and separate services to Stansted Airport. Use National Rail Inquiries for timetable and fare information.

Please view a printable map showing the railway station (bottom right) and Department of Engineering (no. 35, left).

Please allow 15 minutes to walk from the station to the Department via Station Road, Hills Road and Lensfield Road. There is a taxi rank on the right as you exit the station- the fare should be approximately £5. Uber also operate in Cambridge.

Enter the Department via the Trumpington Street entrance.

Arriving by Car

Parking at the Department is extremely limited and must be reserved in advance. Those arriving by car without a prior reservation are advised to choose one of the following options:

Park and Ride

A day return ticket from a machine costs £3.00. The Trumpington Park and Ride site by junction 11 of the M11 is recommended. Buses leave every 10 minutes between 7am and 8pm and the journey to to the city centre takes 10-15 minutes. Please disembark at the Leys Playing Field stop (for the Botanic Gardens) and walk along Trumpington Road to the Department.

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